Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So I wrote this book...

Yes, this is my first post...
I just spent thirty minutes trying to learn how to blog on wordpress, and, having successfully confused myself, decided that the best way to solve my confusion was to try a different blogging site.  So here I am, slightly less confused, but still wondering if any of what I'm typing will actually reach other humans or if I'm just typing to myself.  And considering that I just finished typing up my first novel (enter cheers and congratulations here), this is a fear worth pointing out.  So what if my mom is the only one who's read it?  She thinks it's awesome and undoubtedly the next Harry Potter...no big deal.  
I guess I should express to my current readers (myself & my dog), why I am starting a blog.  It was at the urging of my close friend, Jenn, that I change my status from being an unknown writer to an unknown writer who has a blog.  This seemed logical enough to me, but I have never followed blogs and have little knowledge as to what I should be writing about.  I saw some links for "better blogging tips" which when clicked upon, took me to an amazon page advertising some dumb book I had to buy in order to get these valuable tips.  I'm sure there are a plethora of sites out there that really do have great advice for blogging, but I'm an american and suffer from the "if it doesn't load in 3 seconds I click the "x" and pick another link" syndrome.
Did I mention that I'm a chef?  Now, before you ask me what restaurant I work at and I let you down with "I'm a personal chef/instructor" and you instantly translate that to "unemployed" let me point out that working in a restaurant is just about the worst job I can think of.  Believe me, I've done it (like twice), and it sucked both times.  Okay, it was more than twice; in fact it felt like a lifetime, and there's no money in it (personal chefs/instructors on the other hand...rolling in cash).  As a result of my impressive cash flow, I now have the time to write novels and ride horses.  I live in new england, what else would I do?
But I really am a chef, and a vegan one.  Don't even say it...I already know what you're thinking: how do I get my protein, right?  I don't.  I'm actually in a wheelchair and unable to do anything but blog anymore because my kwashiorkor has gotten so bad (for those of you who don't know what kwashiorkor is, it's a condition caused from severe protein deficiency, and the reason you've never heard of it?  Yea, I think you get my point...)  I swear I'm not an angry vegan, but the protein thing always gets me because it's so ludicrous.
Did I mention that I have amazing pets?  Two cats named Dragon and Frodo Baggins (yup, the ring bearer...he's my cat) and a dog named Toast.

1 comment:

MaryAshley said...

Post more recipes . . . YUM!