Wednesday, December 28, 2011

an alien named Santa part two

Santa the alien is still fascinated by my slippers when I suggest he come inside.
"Is your spaceship on wheels?" I ask.
"No, it's a hover craft," he replies.
" wheels?" I just want him to move it out of the front yard so no one sees it.
He looks at me as if I'm an idiot. "It hovers," he emphasizes, "Get it? Why would I need something as archaic as wheels?"
I shake my head and show him where the garage is. After he moves his ship into the bay, he joins me at the door to my apartment. "You're not one of those weird ass scientists that wants to give me a lobotomy and sell my body parts on the black market, right?" he asks.
My raised eyebrows and bulging eyes seem to answer correctly. He steps inside.
"Whoa! What is that?" Santa yells.
My cat, Dragon, seems to be thinking the same thing. She arches her back and tries to make herself as large as possible. Fur standing on end, sideways scuttle, never breaking her gaze with Santa. Frodo is somewhere near Mordor no doubt because I don't see him anywhere. Toast is already licking one of Santa's green legs. I swear, dogs are the most accepting creatures on earth.
"Don't worry, that's just my cat and dog. They won't hurt you."
"What are they doing here?"
"They're my pets."
"What are pets?"
"Companion animals that live with you."
Santa shakes his head, but doesn't reply. Obviously they don't have pets on his planet.
"Nice tree," he says, gesturing towards our Christmas tree.
"Thanks," I reply.
"Where's the menorah?"
"The what?"
"You know, the candle holder thingy that you light. Isn't that for Jesus's birthday? Or it that just Santa taking over again?"
I take a moment to process the question, then ask, "How do you know about Hanukkah?"
"Do I really need to explain it again?" he asks. "The letters, of course."
"But they're written to Santa and..."
"And that's a different religion and holiday all together!"
"Well, don't look at me. You humans are the ones with the strange holidays that make no sense."
Instead of arguing otherwise, I offer Santa some tea, and we sit on the couch.
"So...what's Hanukkah?"
I sigh so loudly that Santa cracks a smile. He doesn't have lips, or teeth for that matter, but I guess you just know a smile when you see one, alien or not.
"It's a holiday that Jewish people celebrate for eight days in December."
"Where are the Jewish people from?"
"All over, but they believe in God and the ten commandments and all that."
"Like the Christians?"
"Yea, but they don't believe in the whole Jesus-born-on-Christmas-day thing."
"What does Jesus think about it?"
"I don't know. I mean, he might not think about it at all, if they're right."
"You mean, the whole thing about Christmas that you told me hasn't been proven?"
"Then how come everyone celebrates Christmas?"
"It's called a belief for a reason," I smirk.
"Something tells me that you don't agree with it."
"Not at all. Who doesn't love presents and eggnog?"
"Oh, I get it. You're on Santa's side."
I laugh. This alien is funnier than I thought.
"So what do the Jewish people think?"
"That a guy like Jesus is going to come."
"I don't know."
Santa and I sip our tea for a few moments in silence.
"You still haven't answered my question about Hanukkah," Santa points out.
"Oh, right. So on a particular day, you light one candle on the menorah, and the following seven days, you continue to light a candle until all eight of the candles are burning."
"To signify the importance of oil."
"What, for fuel? Isn't that what you still use?"
I find myself becoming sidetracked, but resist the urge to ask Santa what his spaceship runs on.
"No, for purifying the Jewish temple."
"Wouldn't oil burn it down? Why not use an antibacterial cleanser?"
"They didn't have cleanser back then. It was a long time ago."
"I don't understand."
My head is spinning at this point, and I barely understand what I'm saying either.
"So a bunch of Greeks took over the Jews and told them to worship their Gods. The Jews didn't want to and they eventually killed all of the Greeks..."
"Gods? I thought there was only one?"
"Some think there are more than one, some don't," I reply. "Anyway, afterwards, they thought their temple was defiled by the Greeks and wanted to purify it, so they lit a menorah, then realized they were almost out."
"Of what, oil?"
"But it didn't matter because their one day's worth of oil lasted eight nights anyway. Hence celebrating the oil."
"Oh, I guess I get it. I still would've used cleanser, but whatever. So that's it?"
"Well, no," I sigh, "there's more..."
Images of menorahs and bald headed men wearing very small hats float through my head; children eating latkes and chocolate coins while singing "dreidel, dreidel", mothers wrapping presents in blue and silver paper with the star of david all over it, pickled herring and other gross looking foods labeled with the symbol K, Adam Sandler's "chanukah song", and a lot of strange sounding expressions that require a throaty delivery that leave everyone covered in little globules of spit.
Santa senses my hesitation.
"What I don't understand is, where does Santa fit into this whole oil cleansing thing?"
"He doesn't. He has nothing to do with it," I say.
"And yet, it's right there. In my letters. Santa this, Santa that..."
"So Jewish kids are sending you letters?"
"Yup. Always asking for eight presents. Freaking Santa..." he grumbles.
"Well, Hanukkah has become a lot more Christmas-y lately."
"I thought they weren't related?"
"They aren't, but it's the same month and all of the Jewish kids were jealous of the Christian kids because they get all these gifts on Christmas. So now the Jewish kids get eight gifts, one for each night of lighting the menorah."
"Which proves my point again. Santa taking over a holiday that isn't his..."
"You just don't like him because you get all of his mail," I remind him.
Santa grunts something unintelligible and shoots a menacing glare at Frodo, who has just realized that there is an alien in our apartment. He puts the ring on his paw and disappears...

Monday, December 19, 2011

an alien named Santa part one

8:31 am. A man with a hammer begins to hit nails into the side of my apartment. Naturally, I remain calm and go outside to see why the $%&*#^@ he's doing that at 8:31 in the morning. Yes, I know it's monday and most people are already at their junior investment banker jobs, but some people (namely, the unemployed and chefs) have mondays off.
8:35 am. I am standing in the driveway with my slippers on (moose rowing in canoes, stolen from my brother-in-law), trying to generate the most disgruntled expression I possibly can, when something amazing happens...
A spaceship lands in the grass below my porch. Yup, right in the area where Toast likes to take her morning dumps. I turn to the hammer man, but he's already run away. I consider doing the same, but the spaceship isn't very big and besides, three of my unicorn friends spent the night and I know they will fight to the death. No big deal.
Moments later, a door opens with that star wars-ish breaking of a seal sound, smoke billows out of the capsule, and a small alien walks out. He's green, of course, and has those tube-like antenna jutting out of the top of his head (it's amazing how right we've been about describing what aliens look like). He has a bit of a gut (too much freeze-dried ice cream? I wonder with a chuckle), and he's holding a pile of what looks like mail, wrapped in twine. He looks down at my slippers curiously.
"They're not mine, I swear."
"What? Oh, the slippers- no those are moose."
"What's moose?"
"Similar to a reindeer, but..." What the hell is the difference? I ask myself. Nothing comes to mind except an obvious cliche. "Reindeer pull Santa's sleigh and moose don't." (I can't believe I just said that to an alien).
"Santa has a sleigh?"
"Er- yea," I reply, bewildered that he understands me, "how do you know who Santa is?"
"I keep getting all of his mail."
I make a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about expression. He understands that, too.
"The problem is, my name is Santa too, so I get a lot of his mail every year- always during December, which is kind of bizarre, you know? And I'm not going to lie, I have read a few of the letters."
"And they're also totally bizarre...A bunch of poorly scribbled notes asking for strange things for something called christmas."
A pause.
"What the hell is christmas?" the alien asked.
 A flurry of images runs through my head: a fat, bearded white guy in a red suit, women wearing ornament bauble earrings, pine trees on rooftops of cars, miniature nativity scenes with hay, wise men, and baby J, eggnog, presents, and really really bad music.
"Um, it's kind of hard to explain," I reply nervously.
"It can't be as hard as me trying to explain this to my family." He gestures to the pack of letters.
"Ok, well, it's a holiday that we celebrate on the 25th of December."
"What are you celebrating?"
"Technically, the birth of Jesus Christ."
"Who's Jesus? Is that Santa?"
"No, Santa is the guy who delivers all the presents in his sleigh with reindeer who can fly."
Another pause.
"So Santa works for Jesus?"
"No, not really."
"Does he give presents to everyone?"
"Only those who have been nice."
"As opposed to what?"
"Naughty." (I can't believe I just said that).
Santa the alien looks at my moose slippers again. "Who's Jesus?"
"You know what reindeer are, but you've never heard of Jesus?"
"All of my information on your planet comes from those weird letters addressed to Santa."
"Some people believe that he is the savior of the world, the son of God, the Christ in CHRISTmas, and they worship him."
"Where does he live?"
"We killed him a long time ago, but he's not really human, so many believe that he's just living somewhere else, waiting for the right time to return as our savior."
"Does he live with Santa? Are they close friends?"
"No, I don't think so."
"What's with all of the pine trees getting chopped down and decorated?"
"That's where Santa puts all of the presents."
"Oh. Does Jesus have a tree with presents under it?"
"No, he's not into that."
"But the holiday is named after him, right?"
"Yea, but Santa has kind of taken over."
"What an asshole."
"No, he's a pretty good guy."
"He's a fat slob and he's taken over Jesus's birthday party. Not to mention I have to deal with his mail."
"Yea, sorry about that."
"You earthlings are strange."
He's staring at my slippers again.